Full of bitterness
in everyone's eyes
to look proper
Because I exist
Because I had been faithful
better to surrender my life to the sea
instead of waiting for a man's hands
my body corpselike
my life redundant
They took the useless sacrifice of my pains
and turned it into a good myth.
From the book «war tools for the prisoners of love» - Shakespearikon publications, April 2013
Γεμάτη πίκρα
στα μάτια όλων να
φαντάζω σωστή
Επειδή υπάρχω
επειδή υπήρξα πιστή
να’δινα τη ζωή μου στη θάλασσα καλύτερα
παρά ανθρώπου χέρια να περιμένει
να σπαρταρά
το σώμα μου ίδιο κουφάρι
η ζωή μου περίσσια
Που πήραν κι έκαμαν των πόνων μου ανώφελη θυσία
έναν μύθο καλόν.
Από τη συλλογή «εργαλεία πολέμου για τους αιχμάλωτους του έρωτα» - Εκδόσεις σαιξπηρικόν, απρίλιος 2013
Of course one day
I will be
No word, no thought, no comment
would be intended
for you
No nothing, nor yelling or fighting
Not even this distance
But then, your words could not harm me either.
From the anthology «NON-VIOLENCE» Malliaris education, 2009

Stavroula Gatsou (Thessaloniki, 1976) Poet, marketing expert and teacher. Studied international marketing in France and has been living and working in several countries in Europe. Works since 2005 on cross art projects (combining poetry and visual arts) presented in several art galleries around Europe. Poems and texts of hers have been published in literary magazines. Her first poetry collection was published in 2013. Particularly interested in Greek poets of the 20th century, she promotes their work through lectures, workshops and radio shows for the Greek speaking community around Europe. She lives in Brussels, Belgium.