Thank You… emerged from everyday life, in the home of two artists interacting about desire. The title of the poem, first uttered by Hufnagel, was used by Funkhouser to create a Flarf poem. Upon reading the poem, Hufnagel was compelled to intervene, interrupt and alter the text as a means of reading his writing, and of reading her life. Thrums, or cut up pieces of thread, reflect eye lash/eyebrow style markings; eye, mouth, hand, and machines cover and uncover words and meanings. Suds, or bubbles, are about cleansing from the act of saying too much, polluting with words, wanting squeaky clean even for sex talk. For Hufnagel, this piece is about wanting intimacy from, and away from, the complex intimacies of Internet access, Twittering people, Google Waves, and “electronic watching.” Bubbles became an ephemeral soap/soup susceptible to her desire to interact with this text without writing; her breath writes her thoughts/poetry without words in the traditions of visual poetry.