Introduction to Nonfiction

This small folio of general nonfiction is rich with writing on a variety of subjects ranging from intimate moments in an old farmhouse in Margaret Ozemet’s “The Needle Skipped” to e. keene’s over-the-top humorous “The Creature, the Hole, and You.”

Michael Klein’s fine memoiristic piece about his relationship, both spoken and unspoken, with his now-deceased twin brother in “When I was a Twin” is one of two pieces about men’s emotional lives, a subject only recently finding its way into the light it deserves.

Drunken Boat welcomes our first nonfiction editor, Heather Bryant, who’s already promoting a higher profile for nonfiction. Look for poetic leaps and international border-crossing in Drunken Boat’s nonfiction future. Lyrical journalists telling the real news alongside truth-seeking essayists making music on the page. She hopes to lure poets and fiction writers into the realm of nonfiction, Drunken Boat-style.

And we’re confident she will.

~Leslie McGrath
January, 2010