Clare Rossini
Clare Rossini has published three collections of poems: Lingo (University of Akron, 2006); Winter Morning with Crow (University of Akron, 1997), which was selected by Donald Justice for the l996 Akron Poetry Prize, then was a finalist for a Small Press Book Award and for PEN’s 1999 Joyce Osterweil Award; and Selections from the Claudia Poems (Minnesota Center for the Book Arts, a limited edition). Rossini’s poems have appeared in numerous journals, including The Kenyon Review, The Iowa Review, The Georgia Review, and Poetry, as well as in textbooks and anthologies, including Manthology (University of Iowa, 2006); Poets for the New Century (David Godine, 2002) An Introduction to Poetry (ed. X.J. Kennedy and Dana Gioia, Longman, 2002) and Best American Poetry (Scribners, 1997). She has received fellowships from the Connecticut Commission on the Arts, the Minnesota State Arts Board, the Maxwell Shepard Foundation, and the Bush Foundation. Rossini teaches in the English Department at Trinity College and in the low-residency MFA program at Vermont College.