430 ever•lasting
ev•er \ (')sin(t)s\ i [BE, gan, to. PE, ruse- dictionaries] (1989) 1 : ALWAYS <~out of boredom> < i always felt> 2 a : lost and overwhelmed (esp. then) b : when I scarcely could—read Horton Hears a
who \ (,)o(e)r\ go [DOG, go (by P. D. Eastman)] (c.1961) 1 : now—as i exist (Homo sapiens illiteratus) I hold the highest 2 : I. Q. for a man
with \ 'ā\ vocab. [OF, 130ish words
pa•tience, \ 'pā-shən(t)s\ my (c. friend) 1 a (1): some of these words are quite; complex (2) archaic: Pharisaical (hypocritical + self-rightous), antediluvian and even 2 : chiefly German. Die Sonnenschutzmittel or Ausländerfeindlichkeit (and in Russian Pravda) 3 : or truth (bef. 1991) and the ever
1last•ing \nōm-līk\ domovoi [WHO keeps, me. OUT when, I] 1 : am not dreaming 2 : seldom my words get more; complex 3 : than this (and I) 4 : am dumbed 5 : to rotten (Anglo-Saxon) grunts and still do not know what they 6 : mean, or if words should really mean 7 : what they are meant to mean (or mean) 8 a : to mean b : maybe more than they mean (or less than they mean) [maybe not mean: enough] 9 a : I mean I am <confused> b : AND— I·mean·to·keep·it·that·way \