Alix Anne Shaw

  • Other People's Dreams Asleep
Other People's Dreams

Other People's Dreams is an interactive archive of dreams that explores the relationship between the human unconscious and our collective digital consciousness. To access the archive, viewers may scan the QR code tapestry with a mobile device or go directly to  Visitors are invited enter the dreams of others, experiment with "weaving" the text, and add their own dreams to the archive.

Created on a loom that requires both hand labor and computer control, the tapestry references the tradition of handmade overshot coverlets, which, like dreams, are characterized by patterns of repetition and reversal. It also refers to the binary coding of information—the 0s and 1s that control the output of looms, computers, and our own neurons. This project asks where dreams reside—in our bodies, in texts, in hyperspace, in the liminal realms between? As an experiment and performance, Alix Anne Shaw sleeps publicly under the collection of dreams that are not her own. She looks forward to sleeping beneath yours.

Alix Anne Shaw

Alix Anne Shaw is the author of two poetry collections: Dido in Winter, (Persea, 2014), named one of the five best poetry collections of 2014 by Library Journal, and Undertow (Persea 2007), winner of the Lexi Rudnitsky Poetry Prize. Her poems and reviews have appeared in Harvard Review, New American Writing, Barrow Street, The Los Angeles Review, and Denver Quarterly. She holds an MFA in poetry from George Mason University and an MFA in Sculpture from at the School of the Art Institute of Chicago. Her work can be found online at
