The murder of cows reached a
tipping point,
moues on their long faces,
scapegoats baaad to the bone
horsing around,
neighsaying from the
bullpen, snorting, seeing
red, running on about Pimp Lona,
manure-mouthed rapping
porker from Bed Sty who’ll
wallow anything, even the
sleeping dog’s lies, that dumb
cluck, chicken to the
bone beneath his cocksure

Tom Hazuka has published three novels, The Road to the Island, In the City of the Disappeared, and Last Chance for First, as well as a book of nonfiction, A Method to March Madness: An Insider’s Look at the Final Four (co-written with C.J. Jones). He has edited or co-edited the short story anthologies Flash Fiction; Flash Fiction Funny; Sudden Flash Youth; You Have Time for This; and A Celestial Omnibus: Short Fiction on Faith. He teaches fiction writing at Central Connecticut State University. Links to his writing and original songs can be found at