hides in his mouth
no, it’s not
the elephant pizzle
masquerading as a cigar
that he sucks on
in some misbegotten
notion that fellating
a tobacco shaft
makes him manly.
Rush Limbaugh’s tiny penis
is camouflaged
as a tongue
covered with pustules
and endlessly flapping
in his wheeze.
In a high-pitched whine
that rattles to a mumble,
the oxycontin kicking in,
Rush Limbaugh’s tiny penis
screeches through a microphone
all the obscenities
its tiny brain can conjure -
Mexicans, liberals, feminazis
Barack Obama.
What it really wants
is to yell at itself
Get up, get up
for God’s sake
please rise and perform.
Rush Limbaugh’s tiny penis
is sweaty and frantic
limp as pudding
shriveled to a minute speck
as inconsequential as his mind.
It knows
that even if it could stuff a condom
with every dollar made
by every capitalist
in the Republican party,
as long as that Black man
scares him from the White House
even Ann Coulter in her leather pants
cannot get him to rise.
So he squeezes and shakes
and throttles
the microphone
and screams.

Richard Krawiec’s second book of poems, She Hands me the Razor was a finalist for a SIBA Award. His work has appeared in Shenandoah, sou’wester, Chautauqua Literary Journal, Blue Fifth Review, Witness, Cream City Review, ampersand, etc. He has published two novels, a story collection, and four plays, been awarded fellowships from the NEA, the NC Arts Council, and the Pennsylvania Council on the Arts. He is founder of Jacar Press, a Community Active publishing company. He has worked extensively with people in homeless shelters, women's shelters, prisons, literacy classes, and community sites, teaching writing.