Rob Ray

Rob Ray

Rob Ray

Rob Ray examines technology in public and outdoors spaces and creates interactive public artworks, experimental films and audio works.

His most recent interactive work, GET LOST! was commissioned by the Abandon Normal Devices Festival  in Manchester, UK, and exhibited at Conflux 2012 in New York and the Tracing Mobility festival in Berlin, Germany.

His video game disguised as ATM, Bucky’s Animal Spirit, was selected for the exhibition at The Lab (San Francisco), and the (re)load exhibition at Antena (Chicago).

Rob also collaborates with Jason Soliday and Jon Satrom as a member of the Chicago-based circuit-bent multimedia noise trio I Love Presets. I Love Presets has performed at the GLI.TC/H 2011 and 2012 festivals, The School of the Art Institute’s Conversations at the Edge series and the Chicago Underground Film Festival.

From 1999 to 2008, Rob was founder and head curator of DEADTECH electronic arts center in Chicago, IL, USA. DEADTECH’s unique curatorial vision, residency facilities, workshop facilities and exhibition space were custom created for the specific needs of the electronic artist and performer. DEADTECH exhibited artists from across the globe including the Beige Programming Ensemble, Institute for Applied Autonomy, Trevor Paglen, Norman White, Kevin Drumm, T.V. Pow and Kazuyuki K. Null.

In 2010, Rob received his MFA from Rensselear Polytechnic Institute’s Electronic Arts program in Troy, NY.