
Daniel Donaghy
Daniel Donaghy is the author of two poetry collections: Start with the Trouble (University of Arkansas Press, 2009), which won the 2010 Paterson Award for Literary Excellence and was named a Finalist for the Milton Kessler Poetry Award and the Connecticut Book Award, and Streetfighting (BkMk Press, 2005), which was a Finalist for the 2006 Paterson Poetry Prize. His poetry has appeared in The Southern Review, Prairie Schooner, New Letters, The Southern Humanities Review, Sou’wester, Image, and many other journals, and his fiction has appeared in Quarterly West and The Missouri Review. Both his poetry and fiction have been nominated for the Pushcart Prize. He has received the Theodore Christian Hoepfner Award from Southern Humanities Review as well as grants from the Constance Saltonstall Foundation for the Arts and the Connecticut Commission on Culture and Tourism. He is an associate professor of English at Eastern Connecticut State University, which awarded him its 2010 CSUS Trustees Research Award.