Anne Gorrick is the author of I-Formation (Book 1) (Shearman Books, Exeter, UK, 2010) and Kyotologic (Shearman, 2008). Her new book I-Formation (Book 2) is due out in 2012.
Collaborating with artist Cynthia Winika, she produced a limited edition artists’ book called “Swans, the ice,” she said with grants through the Women’s Studio Workshop in Rosendale, NY, and the New York Foundation for the Arts.
Lynn Behrendt's most recent poetry publications include petals, emblems (Lunar Chandelier Press), and This is the Story of Things That Happened (Dusie). She edits the Annandale Dream Gazette, a chronicle of poets' dreams, and co-curates Peep/Show Poetry, an online journal of innovative serial works, as well as running the micropress LINES chapbooks.
Steve Cotten is a musician, composer, and computer programmer living in the Pioneer Valley of Massachusetts. He released a CD of instrumental acoustic guitar music in 2004, "All Or Nothing", and is currently exploring the areas of generative art and algorithmic music composition.