Sabine Macher

Explanation of Constraint

I filmed two translations via the eurythmics of the phrases: Outranspo’s drunken boat waves in the waves and in German: Outranspo's betrunkenes Schiff winkt in den Wellen. The film in English is a half-visible translation (Steiner paraphrases eurythmics as “visible discourse”), often hiding the arms, the hands, the legs, and the feet which are the principle translators. The second part in German takes a bit more distance and we are thus able to see the letters becoming movements of the arms and legs (the legs are an extension of the original alphabet, after a month of work in studios in Vitry-sur- Seine and Le Havre this past July). Both parts were filmed in Tübingen, the city of Hölderlin.

Sabine Macher

Sabine Macher was born in ten-year-old West Germany, a country that has vanished now. She left for France in 1976, where she writes, translates, dances and takes small photographs that she looks at while traveling between Paris and elsewhere. She has published a dozen books, the most recent ones include deux coussins pour Norbert, éditions Le bleu du ciel, 2009, residence absolue, éditions Isabelle Sauvage, 2011. The l-notebook /(original title : carnet d'a) LaPresse, 2014 , translated by Eleni Sikelianos, is her first book in English.
