Tonight! White Fire: A Midrash Writing Workshop at the Drisha Institute for Jewish Education in New York




with Alicia Ostriker



An opportunity for a one-time workshop with Alicia Ostriker. You don't need to be Jewish to attend. 

Thursday, April 3, 5:00 to 6:30 pm




Drisha Institute for Jewish Education

37 West 65th Street, 5th floor

New York, NY  10023

The role of midrash in Jewish tradition is both communal and personal.  When we create new midrash in response to our own spiritual and psychic needs, we are simultaneously adding to and transforming the tradition, growing new twigs on the Tree of Life. This generative workshop is designed for writers and artists who seek to explore Torah as a source for their creative projects, as well as for teachers and therapists who may want to learn how to facilitate the creation of midrash by students and clients.
  Alicia Ostriker is a poet, critic and midrashist. Twice a finalist for the National Book Award for poetry, she is also the author ofFeminist Revision and the Bible (1992), The Nakedness of the Fathers: Biblical Visions and Re-visions (1994) and For the Love of God; the Bible as an Open Book (2007).  She has received awards from the National Endowment for the Arts, the Guggenheim Foundation, the Poetry Society of America, and the Rockefeller Foundation.  Her poetry has been translated into many languages including Hebrew and Arabic, and has appeared in numerous Jewish anthologies and journals.  She received the 2010 National Jewish Book Award in Poetry for The Book of Seventy, and was named in a list of “10 Great Jewish Poets” in Moment. A Professor Emerita of English and Creative Writing at Rutgers University, Ostriker teaches a monthly midrash writing workshop in NYC.                                                   WORKSHOP FEE: $20; $10 students FREE FOR CURRENT DRISHA STUDENTS/ ALUMNAE For more information, please email Amy Gottlieb:
