Peter Giebel

Objective Collapse Theories

looking back
the sea is not a boundary


you are confused


a wind-up

slide it under this skin

builders of stone


You are and are not an inadequate seeker.


we are ready


national geography


the end of the sentence is always you


hematite cylinder seal
depicting Shamash

rolled out onto wet clay


you think about the ghosts you make every day


think the wall is another room


Narcissus reads

it’s a wind


predicate reality south of

stone that was soft
and red, skin left in the sun


looking down at rubbish


the first letter must be obliterated, forming the word met


a body of animals
a simple thought

things buried in the ground


are not we ready

Narcissus beholden to the sea


they removed a clay tablet
from below the sternum—

extending the bone in the shape
of the body lain around it


all things break when they’re small


a building has several exits
leave anytime you want

little twists


count your counting

in another


nothing of the bridge
requires the river
to run beneath it




Note: Respectively, the italicized lines are taken from Jenny Boully’s The Book of Beginnings and Endings, and Matthew Goulish’s 39 Microlectures: In Proximity of Performance.

Peter Giebel

Peter Giebel is a writer and educator living in Denver, CO. In 2014, he received his MFA in Literary Arts from Brown University. His work has appeared in or is forthcoming from A Bad Penny Review, Bodega, The Destroyer, Lana Turner, New Delta Review and elsewhere. He can also be found regularly conspiring and collaborating with SAITO (
