Sound and visual artist Juanjosé Rivas has studied at SABK in karlsruhe Germany and has been a resident artist at HANGAR Multimedia Center in Barcelona Spain and in the Multimedia Center in México City.
His work has been exhibited in different festivals and galleries: Germany, Argentina, Canada, Spain, USA, Japan, Portugal, Morocco and Mexico. Juanjosé has collaborated and shared the stage with artists like Elliott Sharp, Joker Nies, Bloodyminded, Angelica Castello, Burkhard Stlang, Chris Cogburn, and many more.
His work uses a lot of media and resources such as: sound improvisations, performances, presentations, live cinema, circuit bending, glitch sampling, radio interference, sonic walls, white noise, static, magnetism, and residual sounds resulting in audiovisual actions that plunge us into a dark abyss.