Amy Mounts the Empire State Building
Everyone protected you for so long that they
became children who jumped when the music
went boom boom and the leaves oranged over
boom boom The only pain you know is split
ends Do you want me to hold your hand
next to a casket Well you wouldn’t make it honey
A closed casket has a body in it When you have ideas
your family is impressed You should do this forever
it would solve everything Even babies can touch
their mouths You wrote the toast for your ex-boyfriend’s
wedding Someone was supposed to be holding you
in the rain and you didn't want him to be your father
His new wife poured champagne down your
throat and wiped a dribble with a white napkin
that took your lipstick on it She said I’d fuck you
for real but I just can’t do that no more
You wouldn’t have any feelings if you weren’t
so sad and lonely wearing a new corset thingy
See the male photographer’s stance you say it looks
like he shoots with his dick He says he loves
shooting girls and you shout if you say girl one more
time I’ll twist your balls all the way through your white jeans