Hervé Le Tellier


Photo of Hervé Le Tellier

Hervé Le Tellier has been a member of the Oulipo since 1992. He is a journalist, a mathematician, a food critic and a teacher. He is also one of the “Papous dans la tête,” the cult literary quiz of “France-Culture,” the French cultural radio station. He has published, among other books, Sonates de bar, Le voleur de nostalgie, Les amnésiques n’ont rien vécu d’inoubliable, and Joconde jusqu’à cent. His latest publications include a collection of poetry, Zindien, dedicated to his son, a collection of imaginary cities, Cités de mémoire (Sighted Cities) and a book that may be called erotic, La Chapelle Sextine (The Sextine Chapel). His most recent publication is Esthétique de l’Oulipo (The Aesthetics of Oulipo), a very personal take on literature under constraint, considered from a linguistic perspective.