What I've Been Reading... John Keene

In anticipation of our new reviews section in our upcoming DB#15, Drunken Boat will be featuring mini-reviews on our blog every two weeks. You can subscribe to our RSS feed or check back in to see what our favorite writers have been reading. Right now I'm reading: Tayari Jones’s Silver Sparrow, a beautifully drawn evocation of 1980s Atlanta centering on two sisters sharing a bigamist father; Ishmael Reed’s Juice, a witty, angry, innovative new novel that plays upon the OJ Simpson criminal trial; Teju Cole’s Open City, whose narrator demonstrates how the flow of an engaged mind can surpass, while also effective constituting, the most compelling plot; Pamela Lu’s Ambient Parking Lot, which, through its ambient trajectory, takes standard band and travel narratives to unexpected and exciting places; and Roberto Bolano’s Between Parenthesis, whose brief, tight essays snare your consciousness like golden fishhooks.
