Christian Peet Reviews "Ghosty" from DB12

Christian Peet from Tarpaulin Sky has written a very kind review of Ghosty by Kristen Nelson and Noah Saterstrom, of DB12 fame (okay, and fame plenty elsewhere). A few weeks ago, the online magazine Drunken Boat published a collaboration between Kristen Nelson and Noah Saterstrom2, entitled "Ghosty." Noah's drawings accompany Kristen's spare but moving account of the death of the narrator's father, with whom she had a conflicted, troubled relationship. While the story suggests that her father's remains will likely end up as ashes, what "remains" for the narrator is a host of unanswered (and perhaps unanswerable) questions, and an inability to articulate even the simplest of responses to a question about what sort of life he had lived--though, she says, "an unspoken answer fills up my mouth. It gets bigger and bigger and bigger and bigger."
Read the full review at Tarpaulin Sky.
