Call for Submissions :: Queering in Plain Sight: A Folio on Queer Fashion

The rhetoric of fashion as it relates to queer identity goes beyond style, beyond taste, beyond aesthetic. As Valerie Steele reminds us, the links that tie the queer community to fashion are “complicated because it goes way back further that we’d thought. It involves the whole history of oppression and secrecy surrounding gay sexuality, which was illegal and stigmatized as a mental illness. So I think gays and lesbians had to be hyper aware of how to read and analyze clothes so as to dress in a way that would allow them to communicate with other people but not be recognized by a homophobic society.” The queer community has always spoken through what it fashions on the body, and that language is one that didn’t exist in mainstream fashion, and so inevitably required a DIY, punk sensibility. It is this conversation of the makeshift fashioning of the queer body and aesthetic that we are particularly interested in for this folio.
Anomaly invites people of all genders who identify as queer to contribute to our upcoming folio on queer fashion and its intersections. Please send us your previously unpublished fiction, creative nonfiction, poems, hybrid words, collages, illustrations, comics, videos, and anything else you can possibly think of — in conversation with any aspect of queering fashion to We especially welcome submissions by people of color (especially Black and indigenous people), disabled and neurodivergent people, migrants and the children of migrants, and everyone under the LGBTAI+ umbrella who considers themselves queer. This folio will be guest edited by Addie Tsai.
DEADLINE: 31 October 2019 at 11:59:59 PM
Call for Submissions :: Queering in Plain Sight: A Fo was originally published in Anomaly on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.