Vintage Anomaly 123: Wu Junyong’s “Journey to the Other Side of the Wall,” Issue 19

“Journey to the Other Side of the Wall” by Wu Junyong

Like many of the fantastic and surreal works created by multimedia artist Wu Junyong, “Journey to the Other Side of the Wall” is a work with many subtle, minute details that add layers to its significance. This work appeared in our 19th issue, Summer 2014, and can be seen above, but is worth a click below to fully appreciate the intriguing story it tells full-size.

Wu Junyong was born in Fujian Province in1978. In 2000, he graduated from China Academy of Art in Hangzhou with a BFA in Printmaking. In 2005, he also earned his MFA in New Media Arts from the same school. Besides being a professional artist, Wu also teaches at School of InterMedia Art of China Academy of Art. Wu now lives and works in Hangzhou. Since 2002, Wu has been exhibiting extensively at home and abroad. His selected recent group exhibitions include POST POP: ANIMAMIX Biennale 2015–2016, Daegu Art Museum(2015); EAST MEETS WEST, Saatchi Gallery(2014); Fuck Off 2, The Groninger Museum, Netherlands(2013); and others. To check out more of Junyong’s works, visit his website.

Click here to view “Journey to the Other Side of the Wall”

Vintage Anomaly 123: Wu Junyong’s “Journey to the Other Side of the Wall,” Issue 19 was originally published in Anomaly on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.
