Vintage DB 48: Eric LeMay's "Gaetan Dugas, A Personal History," DB 15

Screen shot 2015-04-16 at 1.49.46 PM With Thursday well upon us, it's time to commemorate another deserving vintage selection. This week's pick is of a more serious nature and one that asks us to reflect on a darker, but important, part of American history. Spend a few minutes today with Eric LeMay's audiovisual recollection of the AIDS epidemic and discover what it was like through the eyes of an adolescent in "Gaetan Dugas, A Personal History." LeMay's piece first appeared in our journal in DB 15, Spring 2012. Eric LeMay is the creator of many digital art pieces like the one featured here, and the author of three books: Immortal Milk: Adventures in Cheese, The One in the Many, and In Praise of Nothing: Essays, Memoir, and Other Experiments. He has taught writing at several universities including Ohio University, where he is currently on the faculty of the writing program. He also serves as an associate editor for the New Ohio Review and the web editor for Alimentum: The Literature of Food. He is also a host on the New Books Network. To view more of his work, visit his website at Click here or the image above to view "Gaetan Dugas, A Personal History"
