Vintage DB 34: Alicia Eggert and Mike Fleming's "Eternity," DB 14

[vimeo 28340720 w=500 h=281] Happy New Year! As luck would have it, the first day of 2015 is a terrific Throwback Thursday, and thus the perfect opportunity to usher in the new year with a post that combines both old and new. Alicia Eggert and Mike Fleming's symbolic sculpture, "Eternity," which appeared in DB 14, Summer 2011, is the perfect post to mark the passing of 2014 and ring in another amazing year for Drunken Boat, the vintage series, and all our readers. "Eternity is a wall mounted sculpture made by American artists Alicia Eggert & Mike Fleming consisting of 30 electric clocks rear-mounted to a large sheet of white acrylic. During installation, the black hour and minute hands of the clocks are aligned to spell the word “eternity”, and the clocks are plugged in to a series of power strips on the floor. The hands begin to move as soon as the switch on the last power strip is flipped, and the word almost immediately becomes a jumble of moving black lines. “Eternity” does not reappear until the hour hands return to their original positions twelve hours later. And even then, it lasts a mere split second."  Alicia Eggert's work has been exhibited throughout the world and featured in such notable publications as The Huffington Post. You may have even seen her TED talk, "Making art is like speaking in tongues," in which she mentions "Eternity." This past year, she received a 2014 Direct Artist Grant from the Harpo Foundation and the 2014 Individual Artist Fellowship from the Maine Arts Commission. You can check out more of her work at Mike Fleming, now working in Alfred, NY, has been active in the Philadelphia arts community since 2003 and has an extensive photography portfolio. His works have been featured in exhibitions from Canada to the Czech Republic and are scheduled for an upcoming solo exhibition in 2016. Fleming and Eggert began collaborating in 2009 and have shown their work together on multiple occasions. You can see Fleming's work at Click here or the video above to view "Eternity"
