This week, cast your eyes upon a contemporary piece with an age-old feel and soak up the rich, provocative fiction that is Trudy Lewis' "Mother of Animals." Reminiscent of, and partly inspired by, Native American folklore, this piece was originally written and performed for a production of "Screenplay" and appeared in DB 10.
"Now, in these times, the older men of the tribe had hoarded all the women to themselves, and left the young men no proper occupations but hunting and war making. Seeing that they were lacking female age-mates, the brothers determined to strap on their sandals and go out in search of wives on their own..."
Trudy Lewis is a widely published and active writer with a collection of short stories and two novels under her belt. Her second novel, The Empire Rolls, is set to release November 1st. She teaches a range of undergraduate and graduate classes in both English and women's and gender studies at the University of Missouri. For more info. on her new book,
click here.
To read "Mother of Animals" click here