Although a founder-member of the Oulipo, it has always seemed to me far more necessary — pataphysically speaking — that there should be an ouvroir dedicated to the theatre in which Jarry performed and for which he wrote the works for which he will always be known. In a Collège dominated by philosophers, professors, pedagogues, pedants, explorers, mathematicians, poets, novelists and critics, the theatre itself remained a mere pretext and an abstraction …
Much work has been based upon Oulipian principles (carefully avoiding the cruelty of the word 'constraint'), but we have also extended far beyond this into potential theatrical techniques of production — particularly regarding Boolean Theatre, whose overlapping and interlocking Escherian architecture has enabled La Fontaine to rub shoulders with Tchekov; Ionesco hold hands with Hugo; Shakespeare to mug with Bruce Forsyth; Lorenzaccio (Sarah Bernhardt and Musset) to usurp Ubu (Jarry and Gemier amongst many others). The N ± 7 method applied to the dramatis personae has produced startling effects. A major project in rehearsal for the future is a production of A Hundred Thousand Billion Dramatic Pieces.