Charles Bernstein  

 A U D I O
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  "Close Listening: Poetry and the Performed Word is a collection of essays on the poetry reading and poetry as performance that I edited for Oxford University Press. We had a launch for the book at Double Happiness in Chinatown in New York, the site of a weekly Saturday afternoon poetry reading series. I set parts of my introduction to the book using "Willow Talk", a voice synthesizing program that is no longer available."
Charles Bernstein is recognized internationally as one of the major forces in contemporary poetry and is the David Gray Professor of Poetry and Letters at the State University of New York at Buffalo. Bernstein, with Bruce Andrews, founded L=A=N=G=U=A=G=E magazine in the late 1970s. Awarded numerous fellowships, including the Guggenheim, NEA, and New York Foundation for the Arts, Bernstein has published over forty books of poetry, criticism and translation. He has also written a few librettos. His most recent book is Republics of Reality 1975-1995 (Sun & Moon Press).