from Third Sequence: Time
“[Some psychologists say] the findings support the philosopher Martin
Heidegger’s observation that time ‘persists merely as a consequence
of the events taking place in it.’”
Water breaks
Rain on the windshield during Braxton-Hicks contractions
Standing in line for theater tickets to see Metamorphosis
Mother is always nearby with things. Pillows. Hot-water bottle. She loves her
infant granddaughter more than she could ever love me. And I love that.
Clutching a baby to one hip, a ladle in the other hand.
Do you recall my cooking? Do you recall seeing me cook—I can barely recall
whatever it was I did throw together.
Standing in line at 4 a.m. to get her into the good kindergarten.
Standing at the checkout, a child sobbing in the cart.
A girl! A girl!