Call For Submissions: Queer Indigenous Poetics

Anomaly is seeking poetry and cross-genre work by Indigenous poets & artists who exist as queer two-spirit, non-binary and trans people. We are seeking work that challenges what it means to live as queer Indigenous people in an increasingly technological society that emphasizes post-modern ideologies. We hope to hear from a wide range of Indigenous voices, and from the complete diaspora of post-colonial Indigenous experiences, including federally recognized and unrecognized tribes, Latinx people of Indigenous descent, and Indigenous Creole and Métis communities. Please send work that confronts prevailing paradigms and creates Indigenous futures that transcend and undermine Eurocentric ideologies.

Send submissions to guest editor tanner menard at

DEADLINE: 5 May 2020 at 11:59:59 PM

Call For Submissions: Queer Indigenous Poetics was originally published in Anomaly on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.
