Call For Submissions: Caribbean Folio

Anomaly seeks new work from the Caribbean in celebration of the archipelago’s diversity of language, culture, history, and its rich heritages. In the wake of recent natural disasters, we would love to learn if our shared boundaries and our shared vista lead to equal concerns.

Work need not be focused on environmental phenomena however, we are eager to read anything that communicates the souls and hearts of Caribbean people as they make their way through their lives in the region.

We are eager to hear the voices of all of the geographical and political Caribbean, as well as those throughout the diaspora. Original work in English as well as new English translations of work originally in Spanish, French, Dutch, Patois, French and English Creoles, Papiamento, and other regional languages will be considered. Multilingual work is also welcome with attached notes or translations.

Along with a brief bio, poets should send up to five pieces, and prose writers should send up to two pieces (either short stories or personal essays to with “Anomaly Caribbean Submission — Poetry” or “Anomaly Caribbean Submission — Prose” in the subject line.

DEADLINE 31 May 2018

Call For Submissions: Caribbean Folio was originally published in Anomaly on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.
