For many of us, the holidays are accompanied by bittersweet memories. In this thoughtfully crafted piece of fiction, writer Andrew F. Sullivan presents us with the reflections of main character “Big Red” on one particularly memorable Christmas he experienced as a boy, but in such a way that he remembers fondly the pleasant details muddled together with the painful ones. Take a moment away from the holiday rush and check out “Good King,”and you’ll see why it was selected to appear in Issue 17, Summer 2013.
Andrew F. Sullivan is from Oshawa, Ontario. He is the author of the novel WASTE (Dzanc Books), named a Best Book of the Year by The Globe & Mail, The Walrus, CBC Books, and The Writers’ Trust in 2016. His short story collection All We Want is Everything (ARP Books), was shortlisted for the ReLit Award for Short Fiction and named a Best Book of the Year by The Globe & Mail in 2013. Sullivan’s fiction and criticism have appeared in the National Post, Hazlitt, The Globe & Mail, The New Quarterly, PRISM, and other publications. Find out more about his work at andrewfsullivan.com.
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Vintage Anomaly 130: Andrew F. Sullivan’s “Good King,” Issue 17 was originally published in Anomaly on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.