Showcasing a wide range of subjects from ordinary to intriguing, Bulgarian artist Albena Nikolova’s photography can only be described as enchanting. So enchanting, in fact, that her photograph of two black cats is the same one featured as the title page artwork for the issue in which it appeared, Issue 23, Spring 2016. Her photos capture colorful cityscapes, mysterious characters, the simple beauty of nature, and so much more.
Albena Nikolova is a Bulgarian visual artist based in Rome, Italy. She has had artist’s residencies in Lithuania, Italy and Slovenia. She has participated in numerous collective exhibitions in Italy and several solo exhibitions in Slovenia and Rome. Her works are published in exhibition catalogs in Poland and Italy. In 2010 she received the Audience Award of the Trasimeno Blues Cartoon Festival, Italy. In her spare time she designs jewelry, and is currently dedicating herself mainly to photography, both digital and analog. Additionally, she is a member of the studio for experimental print making and photography “Laborintus” where she is practicing old photographic printing processes. For more information and to read her extended biography, check out her website.
Click here to enjoy some beautiful photography
Vintage Anomaly 129: Albena Nikolova’s Photography was originally published in Anomaly on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.