This week’s vintage pick, Bubi Canal’s “Chrystelle,” is as engaging as it is unusual. Like most forms of surreal art, Canal’s short film involves the kind precise attention to detail that draws viewers completely inside of a fictional world. Published previously in Issue 18, “Chrystelle” shows what a colorful, mysterious, and intriguing story can unravel in the span of just two minutes. The artist says this about his work:
“My work combines various media, including photography and video, and deals with recurring themes of dreams, emotions and magic. I present a personal universe that reflects the realm of my imagination with universal resonance… I aim to use bodies as instruments of expression and reflection.”
Bubi Canal is Spanish-born, America-based artist who specializes in video and photography. He has been exhibiting his works worldwide in cities such as Madrid, Berlin, and New York since 2010. Last year he was the recipient of a Foam TALENT award and also published his biography, written by Jorge Clar and published by Pupa Press. To view more of his incredible work, check out his website: bubicanal.com
Click here to watch “Chrystelle”
Vintage Anomaly 127: Bubi Canal’s “Chrystelle,” Issue 18 was originally published in Anomaly on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.