Vintage Anomaly 120: Gabor Szilasi’s Photography, DB 8

photo by Gabor Szilasi

Born in 1928, photographer Gabor Szilasi is probably one of the oldest living artists to be featured in our vintage series and the photographs he contributed to the eighth issue (2006) of this journal show a remarkable and timeless talent for capturing singular, expressive moments in the lives of those around him. Even this sentiment is best expressed by Szilasi himself:

“Everything is constantly changing around us: what my camera captures at this moment is already of the past. That is why it is important to me to record the world as I see it today through photography. I am not interested in the past or the future: I am interested in the present. Through the photographic image, I can directly record the signs of the past and the future as they appear in this moment.” — Gabor Szilasi, 1977

Gabor Szilasi is a Hungarian-born photographer who has been living in Montreal since 1959. His photography has been featured in numerous solo and group exhibitions throughout Europe and North America and is highly valued for its exploration of Quebec natives, the portrait being the heart of Szilasi’s work. For more about Szilasi’s life and photography, visit his Wikipedia page.

Click here to enjoy Szilasi’s photographs

Vintage Anomaly 120: Gabor Szilasi’s Photography, DB 8 was originally published in Anomaly on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.
