Paul Hoover

Toward Oulipo

Photo of Paul Hoover

Paul Hoover has published ten books of poetry including Poems in Spanish (Omnidawn, 2005) and Edge and Fold (Apogee Press, 2006). He is editor of the anthology Postmodern American Poetry (W.W. Norton) and, with Maxine Chernoff, the literary magazine New American Writing. His essay collection, Fables of Representation, was published by University of Michigan Press in 2004. He teaches at San Francisco State University.

Notes: I did three homophonic translations of my own poem, "We've Decided," published in Nervous Songs (L'Epervier Press, 1986). I chose that poem because it's short, a faux sonnet, and because its language was jumpy and a bit packed. This would keep the translations from falling into naturalness.