élisabeth chamontin

Toward Oulipo

Photo of Elisabeth Chamontin

Born in June of 1948, Elisabeth Chamontin was trained as a journalist. Having worked as a publicity editor for a decade, in 1984 she began working in on-line publishing — first with Minitel and then, in 1995, over the Internet, with the weekly journal Investir. Currently she works part time as a new technologies marketing consultant, devoting her other energies to publishing constraint based poetry. She is an active contributor to Formules and Formes Poétiques Contemporaines, the cutting-edge constraint-conscious journals that first published her poems, many of which were written in the context of the Oulipo listserve, an email forum to which she has actively subscribed since 2000. She is one of the seven authors of Je suis le ténébreux, a collection of Nerval pastiches (prefaced by François Caradec) that appeared in 2002 under the pseudonym Camille Abaclar.