étienne lécroart


Self portrait (drawing) of Etienne Lécroart

Born in 1960 (the “Day of the Dead” he wrote in his biography), Etienne Lécroart graduated from Arts Décoratifs in Paris. In 1986, he began a career of cartoonist for several French newspapers (Libération, Politis, Fluide Glacial) while creating his own albums that he publishes in small publishing presses. In 1992, he was a member of the Oubapo, creating the most innovative comics books using strong formal constraints. In the Collège de ’Pataphysique Lécroart is Commandeur Exquis de l’Ordre de la Grande Gidouille, Chevalier de la Confrérie des Vins de Suresnes; he is also recipient of the Trophée Presse-Citron (Best Newspaper Cartoonist) 1999 and the Grand Prix de l’Humour Noir Grandville 2003.

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