Michelle Grangaud


Photo of Michelle Grangaud

Michelle Grangaud was elected to the Oulipo in 1995. A specialist of anagrams (to which she has devoted several works) and of palindromes, she is the inventor of two constraints known as "sexanagrammatine" and "avion" (an abbreviation of "abbreviation"). Her constraints of predilection bring letters into play with numbers, but her other works, like Etat-civil, rely on list making and other manipulations. She sits on the editorial board of the review Po&sie.

Sexanagramatine: A sestanagrammatina is a combination of the anagram and the sestina. The verses are anagrams of its title, which in this case is itself the title of a memory narrative by Jacques Roubaud. All the while respecting the strict order of the rhyme words, Grangaud weaves English and German words into her poem.