Bruna Mori


Photo of Bruna Mori

Bruna Mori is the author of Dérive (Meritage Press), a book of New York cityscape poems with sumi-ink paintings by Matthew Kinney, and Tergiversation (Ahadada Books), an e-chapbook of homophonic and sensorial translations of the poetry of Alejandra Pizarnik, to be published this year. She also writes essays, most recently, for a Semiotext[e] anthology, on Isamu Noguchi's designs for Poston (the internment camp where he was incarcerated).

Mori lives in Los Angeles, where she edits at the Getty Research Institute, and teaches at Art Center College of Design and Southern California Institute of Architecture. Her BA and MFA degrees were completed at the University of California, San Diego, and Milton Avery Graduate School of the Arts, Bard College.

Articles on performance artists Michelle Handelman, Lida Abdul, Launa Bacon and le thi diem thuy are located at:

Student work using generative processes may be accessed at: