Ivan Brady 

Pacific Islands poetry and fiction by Ivan Brady:

Fire Knees Funafuti Island, Tuvalu, October 10, 1492

Festival Nukuhiva, Marquesas Islands, 1675

When You were Here Nanumea Island, Central Pacific, September 6, 1842

Island Chains Nukumea Island, Eastern Pacific, March 21, 1869

Ivan Brady is Distinguished Teaching Professor and Chair of Anthropology at the State University of New York at Oswego. A former President of the Society for Humanistic Anthropology and Book Review Editor of the American Anthropologist, his special interests include Mexican and Pacific Islands ethnography, ethnopoetics, semiotics, and the philosophy of science. He is the editor or co-editor of several books, the author of dozens of chapters, articles, and reviews, and is currently developing a new version of his book on Anthropological Poetics (1991). His poetry has appeared in various books and journals, including Reflections: The Anthropological Muse (edited by Iain Prattis, 1985), The American Tradition in Qualitative Research (edited by Norman K. Denzin and Yvonna Lincoln, 2001), the Neuroanthropology Network Newsletter, Anthropology and Humanism (Quarterly), Pendulum, Cultural Studies—Critical Methodologies, and Qualitative Inquiry.