Susana Hernández

Susana Hernández (Barcelona) has completed studies in Image and Sound, Social Integration, Private Investigation and Psychology. She has collaborated with diverse media as a music critic, sports editor, and radio talk show host. Her published works include: La casa roja (awarded the Premio Ciudad de San Adrián in 2005, republished in 2013 with LcLibros), La puta que leía a Jack Kerouac (Lesrain 2007/LcLibros 2012), Curvas peligrosas (Odisea Editorial 2010), Contra las cuerdas (Alrevés Editorial 2012), finalist for best novel at the Festival Valencia Negra 2013, and Cuentas pendientes (Alrevés Editorial 2015), finalist for best novel at Tenerife Noir 2016, Salamanca Negra 2016 and Premios Novelpol 2016. Cuentas pendientes won the Premio Cubelles Noir prize in 2016 for best noir novel. Rebeca Santana, protagonist of Hernández’s noir series, was chosen as the best character in the noir and detective genres at the Premios LeeMisterio 2012.